About our coffee
coffee grown with love
single origin
Single-origins are viewed as a way to get a specific taste.
Our coffee comes from the Veracruz mountainous region of Mexico. The coffee from Veracruz has become so famous and particular that now "Veracruz Coffee" is an origin denomination, such as Champagne in France and Tequila in Jalisco.
Veracruz coffee is know to be sweet, with nutty flavors, chocolate overtones and a delicate body with an acidy snap and very pleasant dryness like a fine white wine.
shade grown
Coffee from "shade grown" microclimates at higher elevations improve coffee flavor.
Shade improves the soil and local ecosystem. The best coffee grows at higher altitudes, 3000 - 6000 feet above sea level, in a climate with consistent tempera-ture. Typically, the higher a coffee grows, the slower it develops, which lends to more intense flavor development

Organically Grown
An ecological and organic process was develop to obtain the optimal nutritional conditions for the soil.
This process is where it all begins! When the mineral and biological systems are mixed into the compost it sits for 15-20 days to develop the final organic product that is used to fertilize every plant.
Fair-Trade partnerships contribute to sustainable development by offering better trading conditions to coffee bean farmers.
Farmers get better wages for their crop, which allows them to invest in even better crops. Better crops result in a better working conditions and pay for the laborers and a better local environment. Supporting better crops ensures a more sustainable, and fair, system of trade, import and export.
Honey Process
This type of coffee takes the longest to process, but it is worth the wait!
Processing method - how the fruit residue is removed from the beans and how they are dried.
In the Honey Process (named for the sticky, honey like consistency and not flavor) - skin and pulp are removed from the coffee berry, but some or all of the mucilage (Honey) remains.
Because the beans dry while still in the mucilage layer, the Honey Process coffee develops a unique aroma and flavor-typically fruity with less acidity.
Meticulously roasted to release the inherent flavours of the beans.
Our coffee is great to begin with. Our aim when roasting is to develop its inherent flavours, so the quality of the coffee producer's efforts come through without distortion.
Small batch roasted

Made to enjoy with friends.